Over the next little while some changes will be made to my Explore Within website.

Some may have noticed that I have not posted a blog in the since June 2016. This is not because I have not had anything to say or because I have not been actively learning and exploring. It is because I have been unsure how to be responsible about what i am posting and who has access to such posts.
Moving forward some posts and videos will be marked as Adult Content and you will need to be 18 or older to access the content.

My journey of learning has lead me to Sexual Education with regards to healing shame, BDSM, Kink, Consent and the removal of shame related to sensuality, sex, sexual desire and of course sexuality.

I will still be offering classes on Boundaries, Connection and Body Love however these classes will no longer be limited to just women as they have been in the past. A persons gender will no longer be a factor in my class.
One on one coaching is still available for those who would like to have more privacy in their journey. Please contact me for availability and pricing.

I am really excited with the direction my education has taken as it feels like my whole life has lead up to this moment.

Thank you to everyone who has been a follower until now. Thank you for witnessing my growth, my healing and my journey. I look forward to sharing my new offerings with you.