Mission Statement: I help women over the age of 30 have healthy relationships by loving their bodies, setting and maintaining healthy boundaries while specializing in consent and negotiation.
Over the years, I have been on a healing journey which has led me to education in the Natural Health Arts including relaxation therapy, mindfulness, communication, Life Coaching certificate, Certified Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner, and level 1 Mind Clearing. It is the combination of all these skills that I offer coaching to my clients, helping them gain clarity and to love themselves.
Using proven methods taught to me by my mentors and intuition, clients are able to clear away their limiting beliefs to live fuller lives. It was through my personal struggle to love myself, accept my body, and set boundaries that I have learned how to help others.
I have a reputation of listening without judgement, removing shame, and cultivating loving relationships; this enables me to provide a safe space for clients to identify and release their limiting beliefs, therefore finding their truer selves.
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