Leaving on a jet plane

I am bouncing with excited energy in this moment. In less than 15 hours I am leaving this country and going somewhere hot and tropical. I have never been on a tropical trip and it has taken me the better part of 41 years to face all my fears of travel and plunge deep...

Communicate, Negotiate, Safe Words and After Care

Over the years I have worked not only on my own sexual healing, but with clients who are working through sexual traumas.  As a result of my own journey I have been reading, investigating and discovering “different worlds” of sex and sexual pleasures. I have adapted...

Build Lasting Relationships

*For the purpose of this blog I am referring to Romantic Partnership. In coaching, the topic of relationship often comes up, especially with single women. Have you ever wondered what you need to do to be more desirable to attract a partner? Or wondered what you needed...

Untitled Grief

As I laid on the massage table this afternoon my tears flowed easily even as I tried to hold them back. It has been several months since my mom transitioned to the other side and still my heart feels an emptiness I did not know could survive. I felt the tension of my...

2015 Gratitude

I have been looking for the words to express the gratitude I have felt this year. When 2015 started I was engaged to a man that I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I was happy to welcome and love his 7 year old daughter into my life. On April 3 I found...