Grateful and Thank You
I have so much to be grateful for this year.
I started this year very much in love with a man whom I love to this moment. Although we are not together any longer he taught me much about opening my heart and allowing myself to be vulnerable. He taught me that I can love deeply and still be true to myself – I am forever grateful to man whether our paths shall meet again or not…Thank you
I am grateful for my Goddess Group. I stepped away from the group and they came back to me and dropped a “pink piano” on to my head to have me come back to the group and to be present. They helped me open to the grief I was feeling in my body and supported me while I delved deeper into my feminine. These wonderful beautiful ladies then shared their depth with me and allowed me to support their journey…Thank you
I am grateful to my family for all their encouragement, listening and help on a day to day basis whether mundane or life changing. With their love and support I am able to try new things and can succeed or fail and know it is all perfect in the moment…Thank you
I am grateful to my friends – each of you for all that you have done for me, for dancing with me, and for listening to each crazy moment I endured on this wonderful journey…Thank you
I am grateful to my doctor for all he did to help me figure out my health issues. I am thankful that he listened to me and went through all the extra steps to truly help me find out what was happening in my body and then helping me find solutions to overcome what was happening inside my body and helping me feel “normal” once more…Thank you
I am grateful to my old employers for all they did to teach me over the years which has allowed me to accept a new position in the company and to step more into my personal power and gifts…Thank you
I am grateful to my new employer for seeing in my the ability I was denying. For stating outward the truth and understanding that I would not be challenged for long and would need to have something to put my energy into so I would become dissatisfied in the office setting.
I am grateful to an amazing woman who gave me the honour of travelling a road with her through a very personal journey. She trusted me enough to be vulnerable and in that I saw her strength and beauty. It was through her journey that I was able to heal an old buried wound and for that I am forever grateful….Thank you
And to my readers – thank you for being witness to my journey this year. I look forward to sharing with you the journey I travel in 2012…Thank you