Ten years ago today, I was in a very different place. I had dreams of where I would be today and truthfully I have no clue where that was.
I am ending another decade of my life as I live my last day of my 30’s while eagerly looking towards my 40’s. It would be a lie if I said the last ten years have been a breeze however it would be the same lie, if I said I would never do it again.
When I turned 30 I was living in Kelowna, had just bought a house (nicknamed the Money Pit) and in a relationship where neither of us were happy. We had love for each other but even then we both knew the relationship was destine to end. I was working in the Casino feeling my soul dying a little each day and wondering if I could ever imagine actually leave for greener pastures.
The following year my father had a heart attack, and that was the start of something different brewing for me. I knew I was unhappy and wanted nothing more then to run away and bury my head in the sand. I could no longer tolerate being at a job I hated, in a relationship that made me unhappy.
In 2006 I moved to Alberta and life moved along much the same as it had before I left B.C. I took on a low wage job and for the first time in a long time found joy. However it caused even more stress on my failing relationship. It was early 2007 that finally the relationship would end and healing would begin. I am grateful to say that I remain friends with this amazing man seven years later.
Change was brewing in weird and wonderful ways for me. The return of a past friend would bring a personal growth company into my life and with them I embarked on a “most excellent adventure”. 2008 and 2009 blur together with the courses I took, each one helping me gain more clarity and truth about myself. I started healing my traumas and found forgiveness for myself for allowing myself to be used, abused and punished for things I had no control over. I found a deeper truth to my Being and I finally got in touch with my core self. Let me tell you something, once you find yourself you truly can not step backwards.
Over the last four years I have deepen my cores truths. I have developed amazing friendships and found true sisterhood. I have stepped out of comfort zone and claimed my Being, my purpose. I started my coaching business and have written two books (almost three) which are in the final stages of completion. I have been honored to serve women in both Body Within and Healing Hurt which were designed to help women heal their relationships with their bodies and their pasts.
I have dated a million men (o.k. maybe not a million, just enough to figure it out) and I am now in a loving relationship with a man who adores me and encourages me to change the world and light it up with the light with within me. Really, what more could a woman ask for?
There are so many people who have helped me make the past 10 years the most memorable and awesome. They have held me while I died and wiped my tears. They have lifted me up and pushed me over my edge in growth and thoughts. They have encouraged me, supported me and without them I would not be here in this moment feeling like the most blessed person in the world. Thank you to one and to all.
It is with anticipation and joy that I enter the next phase of my life. I have no idea where I will be in 10 years and frankly it does no matter because I know I will be grateful for the ride. Here is to one and to all: May we greet each other with our hair blown back and a poop eating grin, glowing in the ride that is life.